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Tuesday, January 06, 2004

It's the attack of the shnooks again on "Average Joe." Almost too painful to watch. The beauty queen Barbie doll looked like she'd drunk an arsenic-tini when the short, the fat and the ugly piled off the bus. Mike Myers couldn't have created a band of trolls as stumbling-bumbling, stuttering-fluttering as this one. There's the 90-pound geek who jumps on the furniture out of sheer joy for being allowed to leave his basement mailroom and interact with a woman who doesn't have a plastic plug holding her air in. There's the goonybird who has braces on his yellow teeth. Several sets of man-boobs. A guy with a beard shaved in the shape of a star. One who has his hair swept back in a greasy mullet. Where are the Fab Five? Emergency!

Suddenly feels good to be single.

Watched "World Idol." Glad the Norwegian hobbit won. He'd fit right in on "Average Joe" lookswise, but he did have a pure, powerful voice. Once again, the voting public proves that talent wins over looks on this show. The hunk from South Africa finished somewhere in the middle.

Waiting for the next "Survivor"....


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