Anderson Cooper Grows a Pair
Growing up as the son of Gloria Vanderbilt, Anderson Cooper never had to worry about where the next meal was coming from (unless Le Cirque was closed for remodeling) or how the rent would be paid. Maybe that's why his career as a reporter and anchor is all the more remarkable. On CNN this past week, he's kicked some major media ass as a hard-hitting, compassionate and well-informed man on the scene. He has challenged the double-talk of authorities. He has waded into the murk to rescue people. And he has managed to do it without showboating, a la Geraldo Rivera, Diane Sawyer, Katie Couric and the rest of them.
Cooper has built his career on traveling to and reporting from the messiest disasters and conflicts on the planet. He seems to do it without vanity and with a sincere interest in the people affected in the area.
Remember him on ABC's goofy overnight news? He stumbled and stammered badly back then -- about 10 years ago maybe? -- and he's still not the smoothest voice on the airwaves. But he's no-nonsense and real. No faking emotions for the cameras, a la Geraldo, Diane, Katie and the rest of them.
Gloria should rightly be proud of her boy.